CH GOLDTHWAITE SOPHIA - N001560686 earned her LA 91/EEEV.
Don't let that "V" fool you, she just didn't have much milk in it today after freshening early last Dec, and having dried
herself off while I was in California in June. She came back enough when I came home to make the trip to PA. Sophia has
won several BOB, as well as Best Udder of Breed - including earlier this year tho stale- and a Be...st Udder of SHOW @ the prestigious Tri State Fair in Amarillo. We retained her son from last Dec.
to use in our herd this year. Her current record @ about 250 days lactation is 2125# milk and 100# fat, so she will easily
get her SGCH upon completion of this record.

Sophia at the National Show in Harrisburg, after turning almost dry
in June, and making the long hot trip back east, @ 7 mo into her lactation.

Sophia winning Best of Breed, Best Udder of Breed,both rings, at the
first show of the 2016 season in Greeley, Co. in late April after an early Dec. freshening. She also won a Best of Breed in late May at the Wyoming Fuzzy Show.

Sophia is bred to Trailridge for mid-January kidding.

appraised LA 91/EEEE in spite of being under the weather, off feed, and not making any milk due to a minor surgery the week
before. She too is a 5 yr old so this will be her permanent score. She is the mother of "Booton's Eclispe" . "B.J" as she is affectionately known, has spent the past two years at the Curds & Whey
Dairy in N. California, and just returned home this June with her twins, and then traveled onto Harrisburg. She was
just named Best of Breed at the Wyoming State Fair.

Bejewelled at the National Show in Harrisburg, after two long hot trips
from California to Wyo, and then on to PA. She also had a tooth issue that was affecting her conditioning and production,
but she remains as beautiful as ever.

ECLISPE in a competitive Dam & Daughter duo. She definitely produced a "clone" in this lovely 2 yr old doe.

a 2nd Fresh "Bootonniere" daughter, scored LA 89/VEEV on appraisal day. My favorite SGCH BEJEWELLED daughter, she is still
projected at well over 3000# milk and 140 BF even after the hauling and rough summer she has had. She did win a BEST UDDER
of BREED only 2 months ago, when her projection was 250# more. She is coming back up in milk, and getting back into condition
for competition at two upcoming State Fairs. She did win
her class as well as both Dam & Daughter classes with Bejewelled at the Wyoming State Fair.
I have great hopes for this girl. We still have a gorgeous March buckling from this doe (sale fell thru) sired by our
John 3:16, a CH SOPHIA son. http://www.adgagenetics.org/PlannedPedigreePrint.aspx?SireNum=N001650961&DamNum=N001679961