2008 again proved exceptional for us, as we finished SGCH
JEWELS (91), SGCH FELICITY(92), SGCH "JINGLE" (our SABLE) & SGCH INVITATION (91), as well as winning 12 out of 13 BOB
classes with SGCH BRIANNCA (91) who also WON her 3 YR OLD CLASS at the NATIONALS in Kentucky!
2009 started off with a bang at the Central Texas Spring
Fling show where our 2 yr old TALLY HO won all 3 rings to finish her championship and then some!
We took only a handful of doelings to the National Show in
Sacramento, no milkers, and all 6 doelings who were shown placed in the ribbons, with our Bootonniere Jr. Get winning
2nd place to a lovely group of yearling does.
Of the 6 doelings to be bred this year, 5 have their GCH wins
and the other ("Passion" - Briannca's daughter by her 1/2 brother) had 3 or 4 RGCH. We had at least 4 different doelings
win Best Jr Doe in Show, including one that we sold.
DAPHNE won a few GCH in shows that ended up not sanctioning,
but then finished her permanent CH as a 1st freshener with dual wins at the Colorado State Fair.
Several other does I was looking forward to campaigning this
year ended up being sold among over half of our mature does, and 2 of my favorite SGCH does (Abby & Dancer) failed to
kid this spring. Briannca had a difficult year but did pull up at least one BIS among various Best Udder awards.