S: ++B SGCH Dear Hearts "Omar" LA90 EEE D: SGCH Goldthwaite Midnitn Montgomery
6*M LA91
2004: GCH BOB Stillwater, OK 39 Nubians,
&BIS Iroquoi Co.Fair, Illinous,
Boulder County Fair 48 in breed,
WY State Fair 41 Nubians
& BOB Tri-State Fair 21 Nubians - 2003: 2x's BOB, 3x's GCH, 5x's RGCH - 2002: 1st & RGCH 1st show June, Nat
Show 4th Produce w/ Mardigras - 2001: 2xGCH, 2xRGCH as Jr.
DHIR: 2-02 305d 2810# 133f 109p
355d 3120# 151f 123p ext. 3-03 275d
2520# 119f 100p 4-02 305d 3040#
149f 121p TOP TEN !
333d 3150# 158f 127p Lifetime: 1427d 11880# 572f 471p
"Tally" had a great show year in '04. She stayed competitive in '05 but was producing a tremendous amount
of milk after having quads, which had pulled her conditon down. In '06 she aborted (puads again) over 2 months early,
but we brought her into milk for over 150 days, but she was carrying too much weight not milking to her potential
to show except for group classes. Tally is the dam of SGCH Ambrosia, who is just as long and level as her dam
with a lovely udder. They both appraised 91 this year, even tho Tally was almost dry at the time Tally’s
2nd daughter just freshened on the East Coast with the most exceptional udder her owner ((a breeder of 30 yrs standing) had
ever freshened. We also have her yearling daughter from Oscar, Mercedes. She is due any day (early January) in a repeat
breeding to Merlin, sire of Ambrosia. Once again she is huge and anticipation runs high!